Owning multiple properties, lands and real estates in Australia is one of the privileges most of us have dreamed of. Selling and purchasing land isn’t easy in Australia and if you have started this business then you have heard a lot about CGT.
You will be hearing a lot of it as the tax paying time comes near and for that, you must know each and everything about capital gains tax.
Some of you might know about how capital gains and loss works in Australia but still one needs proper guidance and expert advice who is an experienced tax practitioner for years.
That’s why I wanted to guide you whether you are an experienced businessman or a beginner, there are some challenges and tricks one must know before selling or purchasing a land.
So, let’s start with the basics. But First Read About Tax Penalty For Late Filing Australia:
What is Capital Gains Tax (CGT)?
Capital gains tax or also abbreviated as CGT is a tax one pays on the profit gain by selling an asset, property or land. It doesn’t matter how long you hold an asset and how enhanced its value is, once you sell it, CGT will be applied.
There is one specific exemption on CGT tax. It is not applied to the family home. Which means if you sell your family home and it is the only investment left, then there would be no CGT on it. The higher the profit gain from selling an asset, the higher will be the CGT.
For more clarification, you must know what a capital loss is.
Capital Loss
Selling a property at a lower value than its actual price or at the rate when you purchase it is called capital loss.
When is CGT applicable?
Now the question arises, when is CGT applicable? Well, whenever you sell an asset at a profitable price (which is also called a CGT event), then you are eligible to pay CGT on it.
Apart from that, if your asset has a capital loss after selling it at a lower price, then CGT won’t be applicable. Hope that makes it easier for you to understand the difference between the capital gain and capital loss.
How much is Capital gain tax in Australia?
Well, it is quite a tricky question and if you are confused about such queries, then we would recommend you to keep reading as next information would be really helpful for you.
The rate of capital gain tax is the same as the individual tax you pay as the income tax. Which means, if your income tax is 37% then your capital gain tax would be the same as well.
Another interesting fact about it is, if you hold an asset for less than 12 months, then you can opt for a 50% discount on the capital gains tax. If the time period is more than 12 months, then one can’t claim such a discount.
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CGT on Property in Australia
Keep in mind, capital gains tax is only paid on properties which are claimed as a business asset whether it is a residential property or a commercial one.
Furthermore, you can roll over the capital gain in another business asset. And, there is no capital tax on your primary residence whether you sold it or not.
In order to understand how CGT works, you need to know the difference between income tax and capital gains tax and how they are related.
Keep reading to find out.
Capital gains tax Vs Income tax
If we talk about the income tax, it is applied on the earned income and the rate depends upon the income. Low-earning incomes have low tax rates and higher incomes have higher tax rates. If you earn around $10,500, then 10% income tax is applied on your income yearly.
Capital gains tax depends upon how much you earn the income and for how long you have held an asset (long-term or short-term). Usually the capital gains tax rates are 0%, 15% or 20%, depending upon the income level.
As per the 2023 records, 0% capital gains tax is applied on those who earn $44,625 (Threshold) or less than that. 15% id the income around $492,300 and 20% if the income exceeds $492,300.
Is capital gains considered income?
Taxable income is calculated by keeping in view 5 types of incomes which are;
- Property.
- Salary.
- Business.
- Income from other sources like dividends, royalties etc.
- Capital gains.
So, you can say that the capital gains are the taxable income.
How to calculate CGT
If you sold an asset, subtract the sale price with the original price (at which you purchased), the difference would be the capital gain. Then you will pay the tax on that amount as per your marginal tax rate.
Companies don’t have a privilege to claim discounts and they pay around 30% CGT. Whereas, individuals pay capital gains tax as same as the income tax of the respective year.
To simplify the answer, capital gains tax depends upon your income tax and the value of your asset in addition to the holding time. There is not a fixed rate in Australia and other countries as well.
There are some exemptions of CGT which might help you when buying assets. Motorcycles and vehicles are exempt from CGT because they are depreciating assets, their value decreases in a period of time.
As per the records of CGT law since 2021, the granny flat arrangements are exempt from CGT as well. Any asset which has more capital loss than the gain is excluded from CGT.
Final Words
Capital gains tax is applied on the investment assets which are profitable after selling them. Weheras, income tax is the tax applied on the salary income. Additionally, capital gain tax can be short term ( if the asset is held for less than a year) and long term ( if the asset is held for more than a year).
Long term gains are not pushed into a higher income tax bracket. It is important to know such information if you run a successful business or are planning to start a new one.
Still having ambiguities regarding this topic?
Feel free to ask us.
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Information and statistics for This Post provided by My Tax Daily.